Ref: Doyle,S. unpublished

REBASE ref # 22501

Contig set: 4,917,039 bp

GenBank #: UGVW00000000 (NZ_UGVW00000000)

REBASE acronym: Sen12705

Org_num: 42279


All begin NCTC12705_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
4075 restriction endonuclease
4076 R StyUK1IIP (100% identity) GAGNNNNNNRTAYG Sen12705IIP
4077 M M.Sens12373ORF19415P (100% identity) GAGNNNNNNRTAYG M.Sen12705II
4078 S S.StyUK1II (100% identity) GAGNNNNNNRTAYG S.Sen12705II
4080 membrane protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
4787 Uncharacterized protein yubE
4788 M M.SenPS6ORF23695P (99% identity) SAY M.Sen12705ORF4788P
4789 yfaB
366 DamX protein
367 M M.StyTDamP (100% identity) M.Sen12705DamP
368 ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
510 protein yhdU
511 M M.StyUK1III (100% identity) ATGCAT M.Sen12705III
512 Fis DNA-binding protein
1911 metal-dependent phospho hydrolase
1912 M M.SenZ223DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Sen12705DcmP
1913 V V.StyTDcmP (100% identity) V.Sen12705DcmP
1914 inner membrane transporter yedA
4106 Uncharacterised protein
4107 R Sens12373ORF19550P (100% identity) Sen12705ORF4107P
4108 metallothiol transferase FosB
4112 RM Sens12373ORF19575P (100% identity) GATCAG Sen12705ORF4112P
4113 ATP-dependent helicase
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
3545 cytoplasmic protein
3546 R Sens12373ORF17180P (100% identity) CAGAG Sen12705IP
3547 M M.SenC2217ORF18390P (100% identity) CAGAG M.Sen12705I
3548 metabolite transport protein
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
4074 membrane protein
4075 R StyUK1MrrP (100% identity) Sen12705MrrP
4076 type I restriction enzyme EcoKI subunit R
Orphan M
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
1204 C4-type zinc finger protein, DksA/TraR family
1205 M M.StyLTORF13745P (100% identity) M.Sen12705ORF1205P
1206 Bacteriophage replication gene A protein (GPA)
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