Ref: Al-Jardani,A. et al. Int J Infect Dis 130 Suppl 1, S4-S11 (2023)

REBASE ref # 37286

Complete sequence: 4,351,350 bp

GenBank #: CP130775

REBASE acronym: Mtu21

Org_num: 69809


All begin

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
??? M M.Mtutb1ORF17415P (100% identity) CTGGAG M.Mtu21ORFBP
??? RM Mtuts18ORFCP (100% identity) CACGCAG Mtu21ORFCP
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
??? R Mtuu1098MrrP (100% identity) Mtu21MrrP
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