Ref: Wendling,C. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 24400

Sequence length:GenBank #:
chromosome 1: 3,298,328 bp CP017916
chromosome 2: 1,587,964 bp CP017917

REBASE acronym: ValK08M4

Org_num: 24339


All begin K08M4_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome 1
13650 297 aa hypothetical protein
13660 R VcyZF270ORF8160P (94% identity) ValK08M4ORF13670P
13670 M M.Vez21522ORFFP (95% identity) M.ValK08M4ORF13670P
13680 S S.Vpa1244ORFCP (64% identity) S.ValK08M4ORF13670P
13690 recombination protein F
28820 182 aa hypothetical protein
28830 S S.Vch78A1ORF12P (53% identity) S.ValK08M4ORF28840P
28840 M M.VspSa110ORFDP (91% identity) M.ValK08M4ORF28840P
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome 1
2500 505 aa hypothetical protein
2510 M M.Vta267DamP (99% identity) GATC M.ValK08M4DamP
2520 Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
chromosome 2
40110 603 aa hypothetical protein
40120 M M.Vja810cORFCP (83% identity) M.ValK08M4ORF40120P
40130 R Vja810cORFCP (87% identity) ValK08M4ORF40120P
40140 190 aa hypothetical protein
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome 1
13720 362 aa hypothetical protein
13730 R VcyZF270McrBP (93% identity) ValK08M4McrBP
13740 R VcyZF270McrCP (93% identity) ValK08M4McrCP
13750 95 aa hypothetical protein
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