Ref: Behr,J. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 22728

Sequence length:GenBank #:
Chromosome: 2,558,858 bp CP014623
plasmid L11988-2: 41,380 bp CP014626
plasmid L11988-3: 18,755 bp CP014627
plasmid L11988-7: 41,809 bp CP014631
plasmid L11988-8: 27,021 bp CP014632

REBASE acronym: Lba1988

Org_num: 19759


All begin AYR52_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
plasmid L11988-2
12235 374 aa hypothetical protein
12240 S S.Lba2002I (67% identity) AGGNNNNNRCT S.Lba1988I
12245 M M.Lba1992II (99% identity) AGGNNNNNRCT M.Lba1988I
12060 R LplYW11ORF705P (99% identity) AGGNNNNNRCT Lba1988IP
12065 655 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid L11988-3
12340 72 aa hypothetical protein
12345 S S.Lra4877ORF5825P (62% identity) CGANNNNNNGAT S.Lba1988III
12350 transcriptional regulator
plasmid L11988-7
12655 RepB-like protein
12660 S restriction endonuclease subunit S S.Lba1988ORF12660P
12665 60 aa hypothetical protein
12695 72 aa hypothetical protein
12700 S S.Lba1992ORF12250P (100% identity) S.Lba1988ORF12700P
12705 addiction module toxin RelE
plasmid L11988-8
12890 RepB-like protein
12895 S S.LbrNSMJ23ORF12860P (46% identity) S1.Lba1988ORF12905P
12900 S S.Lco3535ORF15025P (60% identity) S2.Lba1988ORF12905P
12905 M M.Lce1ORFAP (99% identity) M.Lba1988ORF12905P
12910 120 aa hypothetical protein
12915 transposase
12920 R Lpa3299ORF16215P (99% identity) CTANNNNNNTTAA Lba1988IIP
12925 M M.Lba1991II (99% identity) CTANNNNNNTTAA M.Lba1988II
12930 S S.Lba1992II (99% identity) CTANNNNNNTTAA S.Lba1988II
12935 transposase
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
3880 1217 aa hypothetical protein
3890 RM Lba1992ORF5140P (91% identity) Lba1988ORF3890P
3895 840 aa hypothetical protein
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