Ref: Cave,R. unpublished

REBASE ref # 36931

Sequence length:GenBank #:
chromosome C: 4,922,175 bp OX637959
chromosome C: 4,918,295 bp OX637961
chromosome C: 5,159,704 bp OY019088
chromosome C: 5,185,826 bp OX637964
plasmid P1: 146,919 bp OX637962
plasmid P1: 123,938 bp OX637965
plasmid P1: 162,859 bp OX637960
plasmid P2: 78,028 bp OX637963
plasmid P2: 100,743 bp OY019090
plasmid P2: 74,854 bp OX637966

REBASE acronym:



All begin

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome C
??? R EcosS9ORF4930P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT EcoST131cORFEP
??? M M.EcosS9ORF4930P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT M.EcoST131cORFEP
??? S S.EcosS9ORF4930P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT S.EcoST131cORFEP
chromosome C
??? R EcosS9ORF4930P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT EcoST131dORFFP
??? M M.EcosS9ORF4930P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT M.EcoST131dORFFP
??? S S.EcosS9ORF4930P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT S.EcoST131dORFFP
chromosome C
??? R Ecou021ORF19870P (100% identity) RTACNNNNGTG EcoH4ORFGP
??? S S.Ecou021ORF19870P (100% identity) RTACNNNNGTG S.EcoH4ORFGP
??? M M.Ecou021ORF19870P (100% identity) RTACNNNNGTG M.EcoH4ORFGP
chromosome C
??? R EcosS9ORF4930P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT EcoST131bORFFP
??? M M.EcosS9ORF4930P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT M.EcoST131bORFFP
??? S S.EcosS9ORF4930P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT S.EcoST131bORFFP
??? M M.Ecou021ORF19870P (100% identity) RTACNNNNGTG M.EcoST131bORFGP
??? S S.Ecou021ORF19870P (100% identity) RTACNNNNGTG S.EcoST131bORFGP
??? R SdySWHE2ORF4295P (19% identity) RTACNNNNGTG EcoST131bORFGAP
??? R EcosS9ORF3165P (79% identity) RTACNNNNGTG EcoST131bORFGBP
plasmid P1
??? R KpnKPH1ORF27575P (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNNCTGG EcoST131cORFDP
??? S S.SenceORFJP (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNNCTGG S.EcoST131cORFDP
??? M M.SenceORFJP (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNNCTGG M.EcoST131cORFDP
plasmid P1
??? R KpnKPH1ORF27575P (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNNCTGG EcoST131dORFEP
??? S S.SenceORFJP (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNNCTGG S.EcoST131dORFEP
??? M M.SenceORFJP (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNNCTGG M.EcoST131dORFEP
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome C
??? M M.SspPIBDamP (100% identity) GATC M.EcoST131cDamP
??? M M.SflC32DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.EcoST131cDcmP
??? V V.SflC32DcmP (100% identity) V.EcoST131cDcmP
??? R EcosS9ORF2810P (100% identity) GGTCTC EcoST131cORFFP
??? M M2.EcosS9ORF2810P (100% identity) GGTCTC M1.EcoST131cORFFP
??? M M2.EcosEC4ORF20110P (100% identity) GGTCTC M2.EcoST131cORFFP
??? M M.Sen5773ORF4471P (100% identity) RCCGGY M.EcoST131cORFGP
??? R Ecos19ORF20635P (100% identity) EcoST131cORFBP
chromosome C
??? M M.SspPIBDamP (100% identity) GATC M.EcoST131dDamP
??? M M.SflC32DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.EcoST131dDcmP
??? V V.SflC32DcmP (100% identity) V.EcoST131dDcmP
??? R EcosS9ORF2810P (100% identity) GGTCTC EcoST131dORFGP
??? M M2.EcosS9ORF2810P (100% identity) GGTCTC M1.EcoST131dORFGP
??? M M2.EcosEC4ORF20110P (100% identity) GGTCTC M2.EcoST131dORFGP
??? M M.Sen5773ORF4471P (100% identity) RCCGGY M.EcoST131dORFHP
??? R Ecos19ORF20635P (100% identity) EcoST131dORFBP
chromosome C
??? V V.SflC32DcmP (100% identity) V.EcoH4DcmP
??? M M.EcosS9DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.EcoH4DcmP
??? M M.PmeBin470ORFAP (100% identity) ATGCAT M.EcoH4ORFDP
??? M M.SspPIBDamP (100% identity) GATC M.EcoH4DamP
??? M M.Mxa6833447ORFBP (100% identity) M.EcoH4ORFEP
??? R EcosS3ORF15775P (100% identity) EcoH4ORFEP
??? M M2.EcosEC4ORF20110P (100% identity) GGTCTC M1.EcoH4ORFFP
??? M M2.EcosS9ORF2810P (100% identity) GGTCTC M2.EcoH4ORFFP
??? R EcosS9ORF2810P (62% identity) GGTCTC EcoH4ORFFBP
??? R EcosS9ORF2810P (33% identity) GGTCTC EcoH4ORFFAP
??? M M.KpnYN1ORFGP (100% identity) M.EcoH4ORFHP
??? M M.EcosS9ORF10680P (100% identity) A M.EcoH4ORFIP
chromosome C
??? M M.SspPIBDamP (100% identity) GATC M.EcoST131bDamP
??? M M.EcoSL40ORF15185P (100% identity) M.EcoST131bORFEP
??? M M.EcosS9DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.EcoST131bDcmP
??? V V.SflC32DcmP (100% identity) V.EcoST131bDcmP
??? M M2.EcosS3ORF2905P (100% identity) GTCGAC M.EcoST131bORFKP
??? R R2.EcosS3ORF2905P (100% identity) GTCGAC R1.EcoST131bORFKP
??? R R1.EcosS3ORF2905P (100% identity) GTCGAC R2.EcoST131bORFKP
??? M M.EcosR8ORF13190P (100% identity) A M.EcoST131bORFJP
??? M M.EcosS9ORF10680P (100% identity) A M.EcoST131bORFIP
??? M M.KpnYN1ORFGP (100% identity) M.EcoST131bORFBP
??? R EcosS9ORF2810P (100% identity) GGTCTC EcoST131bORFHP
??? M M2.EcosS9ORF2810P (100% identity) GGTCTC M1.EcoST131bORFHP
??? M M2.EcosEC4ORF20110P (100% identity) GGTCTC M2.EcoST131bORFHP
plasmid P1
??? M M.UbapRSB107ORFAP (100% identity) SAY M.EcoST131dORFDP
plasmid P1
??? M M.UbapRSB107ORFAP (100% identity) SAY M.EcoST131bORFDP
plasmid P1
??? M M.UbapRSB107ORFAP (100% identity) SAY M.EcoST131cORFCP
plasmid P2
??? M M.Xca80ORFEP (100% identity) M.EcoST131dORFCP
plasmid P2
??? M M.Eco961ORF25045P (100% identity) M.EcoH4ORFBP
plasmid P2
??? M M.Sfl7ORF23565P (100% identity) M.EcoST131bORFCP
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome C
??? R EcosS3McrBP (100% identity) EcoST131cMcrBP
??? R EcosS9McrCP (100% identity) EcoST131cMcrCP
chromosome C
??? R EcosS3McrBP (100% identity) EcoST131dMcrBP
??? R EcosS9McrCP (100% identity) EcoST131dMcrCP
chromosome C
??? R EcosS9McrCP (100% identity) EcoH4McrCP
??? R EcosS3McrBP (100% identity) EcoH4McrBP
??? R Ecou021MrrP (95% identity) EcoH4MrrP
chromosome C
??? R Ecou021MrrP (95% identity) EcoST131bMrrP
??? R EcosS3McrBP (100% identity) EcoST131bMcrBP
??? R EcosS9McrCP (100% identity) EcoST131bMcrCP
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