
REBASE ref # 22501

GenBank #: CAADIQ000000000

REBASE acronym: Sen12418

Org_num: 42350


All begin NCTC12418_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
3970 restriction endonuclease
??? R Sen80453ORF19660P (99% identity) Sen12418ORF3974P
3974 M M.Sen80453ORF19660P (100% identity) M.Sen12418ORF3974P
3975 S S.Sen80453ORF19660P (100% identity) S.Sen12418ORF3974P
3977 cytoplasmic protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
334 DamX protein
335 M M.SenSARC10DamP (100% identity) GATC M.Sen12418Dam
336 ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
440 protein yhdU
441 M M.SenSARC10ORF5070P (100% identity) ATGCAT M.Sen12418ORF441P
442 Fis DNA-binding protein
1102 bacteriophage protein
1103 M M.Sen80453ORF5370P (100% identity) M.Sen12418ORF1103P
1104 Bacteriophage replication gene A protein (GPA)
1106 bacteriophage protein
1107 M M.SenSH7ORF6090P (100% identity) CGGCCG M.Sen12418ORF1107P
1108 R SenSH7ORF6090P (100% identity) CGGCCG Sen12418ORF1107P
1109 portal vertex-like protein
1602 phage protein
1603 M M.Sen8715ORF13265P (100% identity) M.Sen12418ORF1603P
1604 crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease
1875 metal-dependent phospho hydrolase
??? M M.SenSARC10DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Sen12418DcmP
1878 V V.SenSARC10DcmP (100% identity) V.Sen12418DcmP
1879 inner membrane transporter yedA
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
3582 cytoplasmic protein
3583 R Sen80453ORF17770P (100% identity) CAGAG Sen12418IP
3584 M M.Sen80453ORF17770P (100% identity) CAGAG M.Sen12418I
3585 metabolite transport protein
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
3969 membrane protein
3970 R StyTMrrP (100% identity) Sen12418MrrP
??? Type I restriction enzyme EcoKI R protein HsdR
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