Ref: Doyle,S. unpublished

REBASE ref # 22501

Contig set: 4,714,822 bp

GenBank #: UGWU00000000 (NZ_UGWU00000000)

REBASE acronym: Sen3072

Org_num: 42280


All begin NCTC3072_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
3798 restriction endonuclease
3799 R SenNCTR462ORF2380P (99% identity) CCANNNNNNNNTGAG Sen3072IVP
3800 M M.SenNCTR462ORF2380P (99% identity) CCANNNNNNNNTGAG M.Sen3072IV
3801 S S.SenNCTR462ORF2380P (100% identity) CCANNNNNNNNTGAG S.Sen3072IV
3803 membrane protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
4540 Uncharacterized protein yubE
4541 M M.Sso8ORF23800P (100% identity) SAY M.Sen3072ORF4541P
4542 yfaB
361 DamX protein
362 M M.StyTDamP (100% identity) GATC M.Sen3072Dam
363 ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
460 protein yhdU
461 M M.StyUK1III (100% identity) ATGCAT M.Sen3072III
462 Fis DNA-binding protein
1767 metal-dependent phospho hydrolase
1768 M M.SenNCTR462DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Sen3072DcmP
1769 V V.StyUK1DcmP (100% identity) V.Sen3072DcmP
1770 inner membrane transporter yedA
3828 Uncharacterised protein
3829 R Sens24219ORF19960P (100% identity) Sen3072ORF3829P
3830 RES domain
3833 Uncharacterised protein
3834 M M.SenAnaIV (100% identity) CCWWGG M.Sen3072II
3835 R SenAnaIVP (93% identity) CCWWGG Sen3072IIP
3836 Uncharacterised protein
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
3357 cytoplasmic protein
3358 R SenNCTR462ORF9180P (99% identity) CAGAG Sen3072IP
3359 M M.SenST224ORF2660P (100% identity) CAGAG M.Sen3072I
3360 metabolite transport protein
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
3797 membrane protein
3798 R SenNCTR462MrrP (100% identity) Sen3072MrrP
3799 type I restriction enzyme EcoKI subunit R
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