Ref: Peng,Z. unpublished

REBASE ref # 27685

Sequence length:GenBank #:
chromosome 1: 4,171,651 bp CP033430
chromosome 2: 4,002,946 bp CP033431
plasmid p1: 145,928 bp CP033429

REBASE acronym: BglCo14

Org_num: 31590


All begin EDD84_

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome 1
2850 87 aa hypothetical protein
2855 R AspLIG8ORF16550P (78% identity) BglCo14ORF2860P
2860 M M.Bmu1185ORF965P (87% identity) M.BglCo14ORF2860P
2865 ATP-binding protein
17250 response regulator
17255 M M.VanW292ORF10585P (78% identity) M.BglCo14ORF17255P
17260 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
17275 64 aa hypothetical protein
17280 M M.BglBSR3ORF27180P (98% identity) M.BglCo14ORF17280P
17285 209 aa hypothetical protein
chromosome 2
29200 tryptophan synthase subunit beta
29205 M M.BglUCDORF26365P (100% identity) GTWWAC M.BglCo14ORF29205P
29210 tryptophan synthase subunit alpha
plasmid p1
750 168 aa hypothetical protein
755 M M.BglZNS4ORF35385P (100% identity) M.BglCo14ORF755P
760 100 aa hypothetical protein
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome 1
4915 367 aa hypothetical protein
4920 R BglZNS4ORF110P (100% identity) CACAG BglCo14ORF4925P
4925 M M.BglUCDORF18335P (99% identity) CACAG M.BglCo14ORF4925P
4930 flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR
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