Ref: Wilk,T. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 23707

Contig set: 4,711,376 bp

GenBank #: MRUU00000000 (NZ_MRUU00000000)

REBASE acronym: Sen15023

Org_num: 23345


All begin ORF_

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
21 102 aa hypothetical protein
24 M Methyltransferase ATGCAT M.Sen15023ORFHP
26 98 aa hypothetical protein
108 Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
111 M Site-specific DNA-methyltransferase GATC M.Sen15023DamP
112 Cell division protein DamX
169 105 aa hypothetical protein
171 R SinI (100% identity) GGWCC Sen15023ORFAP
174 M M.SenK61ORFDP (100% identity) GGWCC M.Sen15023ORFAP
175 Uncharacterized protein
197 Phage replication protein
199 M M.Sen220ORFDP (100% identity) M.Sen15023ORFGP
201 R SspS13ORF1655P (100% identity) Sen15023ORFGP
202 Uncharacterized protein
496 147 aa hypothetical protein
499 M M.Sen6994ORFIP (100% identity) M.Sen15023ORFEP
503 Recombination protein ninB
554 Protein ea22
556 M M.SenU3ORF14505P (100% identity) M.Sen15023ORFDP
558 Uncharacterized protein
653 190 aa hypothetical protein
654 M M.SenU4DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Sen15023DcmP
656 V Very short patch repair endonuclease V.Sen15023DcmP
657 Permease of the drug/metabolite transporter superfamily
3214 Phage exonuclease Putative phage-encoded enzyme involved in integration-recombination
3217 M M.SenM4441ORF12220P (100% identity) GATC M.Sen15023ORFCP
3219 79 aa hypothetical protein
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
313 MFS transporter
315 M M.SensSZL31ORF18150P (100% identity) CAGAG M.Sen15023ORFFP
316 R SenSPE101ORF11670P (100% identity) CAGAG Sen15023ORFFP
318 Uncharacterized protein
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