Ref: Yi,S.H. unpublished

REBASE ref # 36757

Sequence length:GenBank #:
Chromosome: 2,555,628 bp CP129292
plasmid unnamed3: 36,078 bp CP129295
plasmid unnamed4: 34,541 bp CP129296

REBASE acronym: Lla243

Org_num: 69167


All begin QYH60_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
8575 helix-turn-helix transcriptional regulator
8580 M M.LlaKF140ORF1895P (95% identity) M.Lla243ORF8580P
8585 S S1.MspJEK37ORF10055P (43% identity) S.Lla243ORF8580P
8590 R LtaL001ORF1455P (98% identity) Lla243ORF8580P
8595 sialate O-acetylesterase
9210 transposase
9215 R LlaK337ORF1924P (98% identity) Lla243ORF9220P
9220 M M.LlaK337ORF1924P (99% identity) M.Lla243ORF9220P
9225 S S.LlaK1ORF5790P (98% identity) S1.Lla243ORF9220P
9230 tyrosine-type recombinase/integrase
9235 S S.LlaLD61ORF13850P (42% identity) S2.Lla243ORF9220P
9240 S S.Lla702I (40% identity) S3.Lla243ORF9220P
9245 952 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid unnamed3
13565 helix-turn-helix domain-containing protein
13570 S S.SpaPL23ORF442P (56% identity) S3.Lla243ORF13615P
13575 214 aa hypothetical protein
13580 175 aa hypothetical protein
13585 RepB family plasmid replication initiator
13590 cytochrome B
13595 site-specific integrase
13600 type II toxin-antitoxin system RelE/ParE family
13605 helix-turn-helix transcriptional regulator
13610 S S.EfaC8176I (62% identity) S1.Lla243ORF13615P
13615 M M.LcrJM2ORF5P (97% identity) M.Lla243ORF13615P
13620 R LcrJM2ORF4610P (99% identity) Lla243ORF13615P
13625 251 aa hypothetical protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
4110 55 aa hypothetical protein
4115 M M.LlaZZ2ORF11745P (81% identity) M.Lla243ORF4115P
4120 RusA family crossover junction
plasmid unnamed4
13745 selenium binding protein
13750 R LlaUC11IP (99% identity) GCATC Lla243ORF13755P
13755 M M1.LlaUC11I (99% identity) GCATC M1.Lla243ORF13755P
13760 M M2.LlaUC11I (100% identity) GCATC M2.Lla243ORF13755P
13765 IS6 family transposase
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