Ref: Morita,D. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 37013

Complete sequence: 1,605,648 bp

GenBank #: AP028395

REBASE acronym: Cco11476

Org_num: 68362


All begin B11476_

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
11120 161 aa hypothetical protein
11130 M M.CjapsORFDP (100% identity) M.Cco11476ORF11130P
11140 95 aa hypothetical protein
14180 serine protease autotransporter toxin SigA
14190 M M.Cco20ORF7125P (98% identity) RAATTY M.Cco11476ORF14190P
14200 translation initiation factor IF-3
15010 75 aa hypothetical protein
15020 M M2.HpyPU001ORF4855P (83% identity) M1.Cco11476ORF15020P
15030 M M2.HpyT014XII (90% identity) M2.Cco11476ORF15020P
15040 R HpySP308VIIP (82% identity) Cco11476ORF15020P
15050 C C2.HpyU005IVP (94% identity) C.Cco11476ORF15020P
15060 rRNA maturation RNase YbeY
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
2110 228 aa hypothetical protein
2120 R Cco249McrC2P (98% identity) Cco11476McrCP
2130 R Cco554McrBP (97% identity) Cco11476McrBP
2140 213 aa hypothetical protein
14810 metal ABC transporter permease
14820 R Cco280McrCP (96% identity) Cco11476McrC2P
14830 R Cco423McrB2P (83% identity) Cco11476McrB2P
14840 95 aa hypothetical protein
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