Ref: Cabanel,N. unpublished

REBASE ref # 25256

Sequence length:GenBank #:
chromosome c1: 5,351,626 bp OU342706
plasmid p1: 227,556 bp OU342707
plasmid p2: 110,924 bp OU342708
plasmid p4: 80,027 bp OU342710

REBASE acronym: KpnsKp1

Org_num: 50910


All begin KP1VIM_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome c1
4300 199 aa hypothetical protein
4301 R Kpss50ORF23655P (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNGTRC KpnsKp1ORF4302P
4302 M M.Kpss50ORF23655P (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNGTRC M.KpnsKp1ORF4302P
4303 S S.Kpss50ORF23655P (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNGTRC S.KpnsKp1ORF4302P
4304 IS3 family transposase ISSty2
plasmid p1
5286 251 aa hypothetical protein
5287 R SmaQC11ORF51970P (100% identity) GATGNNNNNNTTG KpnsKp1ORF5290P
5288 227 aa hypothetical protein
5289 S S.KpnsST307aORF26740P (100% identity) GATGNNNNNNTTG S.KpnsKp1ORF5290P
5290 M M.SmaQC11ORF51970P (100% identity) GATGNNNNNNTTG M.KpnsKp1ORF5290P
5291 IS1 family transposase IS1X4
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome c1
90 Cell division protein DamX
91 M M.KspK4DamP (100% identity) GATC M.KpnsKp1DamP
92 Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
1535 protein YedJ
1536 M M.Ksp54798DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.KpnsKp1DcmP
1537 V V.KspC31DcmP (75% identity) V.KpnsKp1DcmP
1538 inner membrane transporter YedA
3602 101 aa hypothetical protein
??? M M.Kpn00074ORFFP (100% identity) M.KpnsKp1ORF3603P
3604 73 aa hypothetical protein
4308 321 aa hypothetical protein
4309 R KpnwHHEORF22800P (100% identity) GAAC KpnsKp1ORF4309P
4310 Prophage integrase IntA
5038 127 aa hypothetical protein
5039 M M1.RorBL06ORF1290P (98% identity) M1.KpnsKp1ORF5039P
5040 M M2.Kpn1752ORF20925P (99% identity) M2.KpnsKp1ORF5039P
5041 R RorBL06ORF1290P (100% identity) KpnsKp1ORF5039P
5042 218 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid p2
5456 IS1 family transposase IS1X2
5457 M M.YpsR2ORFAP (100% identity) CCWGG M.KpnsKp1ORF5457P
5458 R YpsR1ORFAP (99% identity) CCWGG KpnsKp1ORF5457P
5459 IS6 family transposase IS6100
plasmid p4
5720 73 aa hypothetical protein
5721 M M.SenS1545ORF25100P (100% identity) M.KpnsKp1ORF5721P
5722 Plasmid segregation protein ParM
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