Ref: Lobanovska,M. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 32842

Complete sequence: 2,206,600 bp

GenBank #: CP077603

REBASE acronym: NmeS4

Org_num: 51163


All begin

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
??? M M1.Nme24198ORF40P (100% identity) GATC M1.NmeS4ORFAP
??? M M1.NmesNMBORFHP (100% identity) GATC M2.NmeS4ORFAP
??? V V.NmesNMBORFGP (100% identity) V.NmeS4ORFGP
??? M M.NmesNMBORFGP (100% identity) RCCGGY M.NmeS4ORFGP
??? R NmesNMBORFGP (100% identity) RCCGGY NmeS4ORFGP
??? M M.NmesNMBORFFP (100% identity) CCAGA M.NmeS4ORFEP
??? R NmesNMBORFFP (100% identity) CCAGA NmeS4ORFEP
??? R NmesNMBORFJP (100% identity) GGNNCC NmeS4ORFHP
??? M M.NmeM26263ORFHP (100% identity) GGNNCC M.NmeS4ORFHP
??? R NmesNMBORFCP (100% identity) GCGCGC NmeS4ORFCP
??? M M.NmesNMBORFCP (100% identity) GCGCGC M.NmeS4ORFCP
??? V V.NmesNMBORFBP (100% identity) V.NmeS4ORFFP
??? R NmesNMBORFBP (100% identity) CCGG NmeS4ORFFP
??? M M.NmesNMBORFBP (100% identity) CCGG M.NmeS4ORFFP
??? M M.NmeMBW2ORFDP (100% identity) M.NmeS4ORFJP
??? M M.Nme6455II (100% identity) CCTTC M.NmeS4ORFBP
??? R R1.NmeS4ORFBP (100% identity) CCTTC NmeS4ORFBAP
??? R R2.NmeS4ORFBP (100% identity) CCTTC NmeS4ORFBBP
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
??? R NmeM395IVP (100% identity) ACACC NmeS4ORFDP
??? M M.Nme6190ORF834P (100% identity) ACACC M.NmeS4ORFDP
??? M M.Nme25964ORFIP (100% identity) CGAAT M.NmeS4ORFIP
??? R NmeM395ORFLP (100% identity) CGAAT NmeS4ORFIP
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