Ref: Li,Y. unpublished

REBASE ref # 24350

Complete sequence: 7,187,928 bp

GenBank #: CP071878

REBASE acronym: MgoP3

Org_num: 48311


All begin J3L18_

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
115 DEAD/DEAH box helicase
110 M M.Fsp2541ORF12780P (71% identity) M.MgoP3ORF110P
105 DNA cytosine methyltransferase
110 DNA methyltransferase
105 M M.Est8714ORF17945P (52% identity) M.MgoP3ORF105P
100 phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate reductase family
25080 163 aa hypothetical protein
25075 R Msp68DptHP (22% identity) MgoP3DptHP
25070 DNA phosphorothioation-dependent restriction
25075 DUF87 domain-containing protein
25070 R Cne265DptGP (23% identity) MgoP3DptGP
25065 DNA phosphorothioation-dependent restriction
25070 DNA phosphorothioation-dependent restriction
25065 R Csp274DptFP (31% identity) MgoP3DptFP
25060 helix-turn-helix transcriptional regulator
25060 helix-turn-helix transcriptional regulator
25055 M M.MspR50DndEP (91% identity) M.MgoP3DndEP
25050 731 aa hypothetical protein
25055 DndE family protein
25050 M M.MspR50DndDP (87% identity) M.MgoP3DndDP
25045 DNA phosphorothioation system sulfurtransferase
25050 731 aa hypothetical protein
25045 M M.MspR50DndCP (89% identity) M.MgoP3DndCP
31185 43 aa hypothetical protein
24260 CHC2 zinc finger domain-containing protein
24255 M M.MrusP2ORF4680P (100% identity) M.MgoP3ORF24255P
24250 plasmid mobilization relaxosome protein MobC
23730 non-canonical purine NTP pyrophosphatase
23725 M M.Hby512170ORF41170P (46% identity) M.MgoP3ORF23725P
23720 ATP-binding protein
22035 IS110 family transposase
22030 V V.Fsp34774ORFDP (59% identity) V.MgoP3ORF22020P
22025 R Fjo09ORF1258P (79% identity) MgoP3ORF22020P
22020 M M.Fjo09ORF1258P (74% identity) M.MgoP3ORF22020P
22015 VOC family protein
21665 DUF6134 family protein
21660 R MspA31ORF4650P (69% identity) MgoP3ORF21655P
21655 M M.MspA31ORF4650P (84% identity) M.MgoP3ORF21655P
21650 helix-turn-helix transcriptional regulator
21645 V V.Msp22773ORF115P (83% identity) V.MgoP3ORF21655P
21640 (deoxy)nucleoside triphosphate
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