Ref: Wang,S. unpublished

REBASE ref # 23556

Sequence length:GenBank #:
chromosome 1: 3,611,155 bp CP052867
chromosome 2: 2,869,204 bp CP052864

REBASE acronym: BglHN1

Org_num: 40216


All begin HJC54_

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome 1
13490 lysozyme
13495 M M.Bgl2395SORFCP (86% identity) M.BglHN1ORF13495P
13500 64 aa hypothetical protein
19770 IS481 family transposase
19775 M M.BarB345ORF13800P (99% identity) M.BglHN1ORF19775P
19780 215 aa hypothetical protein
27640 IS5/IS1182 family transposase
27645 M M.Psp92ORFDP (38% identity) M.BglHN1ORF27645P
27650 R R1.TmuTSB47ORF16625P (51% identity) BglHN1ORF27645P
27655 233 aa hypothetical protein
chromosome 2
395 tryptophan synthase subunit alpha
400 M M.Bglgr6IV (100% identity) GTWWAC M.BglHN1ORF400P
405 tryptophan synthase subunit beta
1320 292 aa hypothetical protein
1325 M M.Rso232ORF200016P (93% identity) M.BglHN1ORF1325P
1330 174 aa hypothetical protein
1505 IS3 family transposase
1510 M M.Bglgr1ORF4210P (100% identity) CGTACG M.BglHN1ORF1510P
1515 R BglYH8ORFFP (98% identity) CGTACG BglHN1ORF1510P
1520 IS5-like element ISBugl2 family transposase
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome 1
24075 anti-sigma factor
24080 R Bglgr1IP (98% identity) CACAG BglHN1ORF24085P
24085 M M.Bglgr6II (99% identity) CACAG M.BglHN1ORF24085P
24090 flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR
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