Ref: Matsumoto,Y. et al. Emerg Microbes Infect 8 (1), 1043-1053 (2019)

REBASE ref # 30021

Complete sequence: 5,092,988 bp

GenBank #: AP022581

REBASE acronym: Mla15657

Org_num: 39111


All begin MLAC_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
26850 98 aa hypothetical protein
26860 M M.Mla44577ORFCP (100% identity) M.Mla15657ORF26860P
26870 114 aa hypothetical protein
??? S S.Mla44577ORFCP (100% identity) S.Mla15657ORF26860P
26880 408 aa hypothetical protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
4470 NUDIX hydrolase
4480 M M.Mla44577ORFBP (100% identity) M.Mla15657ORF4480P
4490 coenzyme F420:L-glutamate ligase
31010 207 aa hypothetical protein
31020 R Mgo7091ORFDP (86% identity) Mla15657ORF31030P
31030 M M.Mca78ORF30081P (57% identity) M.Mla15657ORF31030AP
31040 74 aa hypothetical protein
31050 180 aa hypothetical protein
31060 157 aa hypothetical protein
31070 M M.Mtu70010ORFBP (37% identity) M.Mla15657ORF31030BP
31080 101 aa hypothetical protein
46300 acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase
46310 M M.Mla44577ORFAP (72% identity) M.Mla15657ORF46310P
46320 276 aa hypothetical protein
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