Ref: Dang,B. unpublished

REBASE ref # 28675

Sequence length:GenBank #:
Chromosome: 5,623,484 bp CP038281
plasmid pWLK-101716: 101,716 bp CP038275
plasmid pWLK-238550: 238,550 bp CP038277
plasmid pWLK-IncN: 55,184 bp CP038278
plasmid pWLK-KPC: 35,262 bp CP038279

REBASE acronym: Ror218

Org_num: 34550


All begin E4K08_

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
5865 drug/metabolite exporter YedA
5870 V V.RspXY1DcmP (100% identity) V.Ror218DcmP
5875 M M.RorMGDcmP (100% identity) M.Ror218DcmP
5880 phosphohydrolase
7535 HicB family protein
7540 M M.KpnS471MORF7515P (100% identity) M.Ror218ORF7540P
7545 TrmB family transcriptional regulator
7555 DUF968 domain-containing protein
7560 M M.KvaCHCORF26640P (99% identity) M.Ror218ORF7560P
7565 phage N-6-adenine-methyltransferase
7560 DNA cytosine methyltransferase
7565 M M.KvaCHCORF26635P (100% identity) M.Ror218ORF7565P
7570 85 aa hypothetical protein
16360 cell division protein DamX
16365 M M.RspXY1DamP (100% identity) GATC M.Ror218DamP
16370 ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
22205 dcm methylase
22210 M M.Rte1ORF21045P (98% identity) M.Ror218ORF22210P
22215 DUF1317 family protein
plasmid pWLK-101716
160 ABC transporter
165 R RplS62ORF32505P (99% identity) Ror218ORF170P
170 M M.Kva19ORF3495P (100% identity) M.Ror218ORF170P
175 serine recombinase
585 73 aa hypothetical protein
590 M M.KvaCHCORF25120P (100% identity) M.Ror218ORF590P
595 0 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid pWLK-238550
1405 144 aa hypothetical protein
1410 M M.RplzwORF29280P (100% identity) M.Ror218ORF1410P
1415 R RplzwORF29280P (100% identity) Ror218ORF1410P
1420 82 aa hypothetical protein
1505 81 aa hypothetical protein
1510 M M.RplzwORF29185P (100% identity) M.Ror218ORF1510P
1515 1126 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid pWLK-IncN
2605 IS1 family transposase
2610 M M.YpsR2ORFAP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Ror218ORF2610P
2615 R YpsR2ORFAP (100% identity) CCWGG Ror218ORF2610P
2620 IS6-like element IS26 family transposase
plasmid pWLK-KPC
3015 76 aa hypothetical protein
3020 M M.SmaQC11ORF52800P (100% identity) M.Ror218ORF3020P
3025 73 aa hypothetical protein
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
5965 SpnT protein
5970 M M.SmaSM39ORF2667P (100% identity) M.Ror218ORF5970P
5975 R Cfr140542ORF15220P (99% identity) Ror218ORF5970P
5980 72 aa hypothetical protein
6255 shufflon system plasmid conjugative transfer
6260 R Csp16965ORF9470P (99% identity) GCGCAG Ror218ORF6265P
6265 M M.CpoC4ORF9200P (99% identity) GCGCAG M.Ror218ORF6265P
6270 SpnT protein
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