Ref: Forde,B.M. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 28281

Sequence length:GenBank #:
Chromosome: 5,018,242 bp CP035476
plasmid pU12A_A: 151,747 bp CP035468
plasmid pU12A_B: 87,354 bp CP035469
plasmid pU12A_C: 69,518 bp CP035470

REBASE acronym: EcoU12A

Org_num: 33598


All begin U12A_, U12A_A, U12A_B, U12A_C

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
294 156 aa hypothetical protein
295 S S.EcosST131ORF19430P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT S.EcoU12AORF296P
296 M M.EcosST131ORF19430P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT M.EcoU12AORF296P
297 R EcosST131ORF19430P (100% identity) AAAGNNNNGTT EcoU12AORF296P
298 260 aa hypothetical protein
4760 Toxic protein SymE
4761 R Ecou021ORF19870P (100% identity) RTACNNNNGTG EcoU12AORF4763P
4762 S S.Ecou021ORF19870P (100% identity) RTACNNNNGTG S.EcoU12AORF4763P
4763 M M.Ecou021ORF19870P (100% identity) RTACNNNNGTG M.EcoU12AORF4763P
4764 Mrr restriction system protein
plasmid pU12A_A
85 167 aa hypothetical protein
86 R KpnKPH1ORF27575P (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNNCTGG EcoU12AORF88P
87 S S.SenceORFJP (100% identity) CAAYNNNNNNCTGG S.EcoU12AORF88P
88 M M.SenceORFJP (99% identity) CAAYNNNNNNCTGG M.EcoU12AORF88P
89 73 aa hypothetical protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
977 71 aa hypothetical protein
978 M M.KpnYN1ORFGP (89% identity) M.EcoU12AORF978P
979 HTH-type transcriptional regulator ImmR
1422 65 aa hypothetical protein
1423 M M.EcosST131ORF13660P (100% identity) A M.EcoU12AORF1423P
1426 Anti-adapter protein IraM
2099 inner membrane transporter YedA
2100 V V.SflC32DcmP (74% identity) V.EcoU12ADcmP
2101 M M.Ecost536DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.EcoU12ADcmP
2102 231 aa hypothetical protein
3495 DNA-binding protein Fis
3496 M M.PmeBin470ORFAP (100% identity) ATGCAT M.EcoU12AORF3496P
3497 59 aa hypothetical protein
3615 Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
3616 M M.SspPIBDamP (100% identity) GATC M.EcoU12ADamP
3617 Cell division protein DamX
4693 141 aa hypothetical protein
4694 M M2.EcosST131ORF21615P (100% identity) M1.EcoU12AORF4694P
4695 M M1.EcosST131ORF21615P (100% identity) GGTCTC M2.EcoU12AORF4694P
4696 R EcosS9ORF2810P (100% identity) GGTCTC EcoU12AORF4694P
4697 428 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid pU12A_A
72 73 aa hypothetical protein
73 M M.UbapRSB107ORFAP (100% identity) SAY M.EcoU12AORF73P
74 103 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid pU12A_B
55 73 aa hypothetical protein
56 M M.SspPIBORF23080P (100% identity) M.EcoU12AORF56P
57 70 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid pU12A_C
22 308 aa hypothetical protein
23 M M.Sfl7ORF23565P (100% identity) M.EcoU12AORF23P
24 73 aa hypothetical protein
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
4696 579 aa hypothetical protein
??? R EcosST131McrCP (100% identity) EcoU12AMcrCP
4698 R EcosST131McrBP (100% identity) EcoU12AMcrBP
4699 teichuronic acid biosynthesis
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