Ref: Weingarten,R.A. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 26066

Sequence length:GenBank #:
Chromosome: 5,403,218 bp CP026178
plasmid pKPC-224e: 237,571 bp CP026179
plasmid pKPN-3967: 373,179 bp CP026186
plasmid pKPN-6a23: 94,405 bp CP026181
plasmid pKPN-9729: 97,198 bp CP026180
plasmid pKPN-9a0d: 40,784 bp CP026185

REBASE acronym: KpnNIH49

Org_num: 27316


All begin C2U49_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
22500 187 aa hypothetical protein
22505 R Ror0ORF4532P (100% identity) TGAYNNNNNCCT KpnNIH49IP
22510 S S.Ror0ORF4532P (100% identity) TGAYNNNNNCCT S.KpnNIH49I
22515 M M.Ror0ORF4532P (100% identity) TGAYNNNNNCCT M.KpnNIH49I
22520 195 aa hypothetical protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
8210 regulator
8215 M M.KpnT7398ORF19255P (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF8215P
8220 74 aa hypothetical protein
9110 76 aa hypothetical protein
9115 M M.KpnSB612ORF9080P (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF9115P
9120 77 aa hypothetical protein
9295 drug/metabolite exporter YedA
9300 V V.Ksp54798DcmP (100% identity) V.KpnNIH49ORF9305P
9305 M M.KspC31ORFBP (100% identity) CCWGG M.KpnNIH49ORF9305P
9310 phosphohydrolase
11215 192 aa hypothetical protein
11220 M M.KpnMGH83ORFFP (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF11220P
11225 NinG family protein
12155 223 aa hypothetical protein
??? M adenine methylase M.KpnNIH49ORFAP
12170 120 aa hypothetical protein
13010 phage holin, lambda family
13015 M M.Kox17ORF6605P (94% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF13015P
13020 TrmB family transcriptional regulator
13030 353 aa hypothetical protein
13035 M M2.Kpn2581ORF25895P (98% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF13035P
13040 phage N-6-adenine-methyltransferase
13035 DNA cytosine methyltransferase
13040 M M.Kgr494ORF24810P (98% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF13040P
13045 85 aa hypothetical protein
17140 ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
17145 M M.KspShm1DamP (100% identity) GATC M.KpnNIH49DamP
17150 cell division protein DamX
26130 74 aa hypothetical protein
26135 M M.KpnT7398ORF19255P (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF26135P
26140 regulator
plasmid pKPC-224e
28110 resolvase
28115 R YpsR1ORFAP (99% identity) CCWGG KpnNIH49ORF28120P
28120 M M.YpsR2ORFAP (98% identity) CCWGG M.KpnNIH49ORF28120P
28125 Tn3-like element Tn5403 family transposase
28805 73 aa hypothetical protein
28810 M M.KvaT7311ORF29665P (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF28810P
28815 67 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid pKPN-3967
32435 DNA replication protein DnaC
32440 M M.PgeFB2ORFCP (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF32440P
32445 R PgeFB2ORFCP (100% identity) KpnNIH49ORF32440P
32450 82 aa hypothetical protein
32510 168 aa hypothetical protein
??? M M.PgeFB2ORFDP (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF32515P
32520 1126 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid pKPN-6a23
29785 76 aa hypothetical protein
29790 M M.Rpl9528ORF5659P (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF29790P
29795 73 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid pKPN-9729
29380 recombinase family protein
29385 R YpsR2ORFAP (100% identity) CCWGG KpnNIH49ORF29390P
29390 M DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase CCWGG M.KpnNIH49ORF29390P
29395 IS5-like element ISKpn26 family transposase
29765 73 aa hypothetical protein
29130 M M.SmaQC11ORF52800P (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF29130P
29135 0 aa hypothetical protein
plasmid pKPN-9a0d
31250 0 aa hypothetical protein
31255 M M.Rpl64ORF26455P (100% identity) M.KpnNIH49ORF31255P
31260 73 aa hypothetical protein
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
22480 DUF4234 domain-containing protein
22485 R KpnW2McrCP (100% identity) KpnNIH49McrCP
22490 R Ror0McrBP (99% identity) KpnNIH49McrBP
22495 ATP F0F1 synthase synthase
plasmid pKPN-3967
33385 ISL3 family transposase
33390 R Kva19McrBP (100% identity) KpnNIH49McrB2P
33395 R Kva19McrCP (100% identity) KpnNIH49McrC2P
33400 IS3 family transposase
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