Ref: Schwendener,S. et al. Sci Rep 7, 43797 (2017)

REBASE ref # 24410

Complete sequence: 2,275,603 bp

GenBank #: CP021058

REBASE acronym: Mca819

Org_num: 24350


All begin CA207_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
21200 444 aa hypothetical protein
21210 S S3.Mca819ORF21790P (57% identity) S1.Mca819ORF21210P
21220 S S1.Mca819ORF21790P (59% identity) S2.Mca819ORF21210P
21230 integrase
21240 R Mca819ORF21790P (100% identity) Mca819ORF21210P
21250 S S2.Mca819ORF21790P (100% identity) S3.Mca819ORF21210P
21260 EcoKI restriction-modification system protein
21250 EcoKI restriction-modification system protein
21260 S S.Mca819ORF21850P (100% identity) S.Mca819ORF21270P
21270 M M.Mca819ORF21850P (100% identity) M.Mca819ORF21270P
21280 Integrase core domain protein
21780 444 aa hypothetical protein
21790 S S2.Mca819ORF21210P (59% identity) S1.Mca819ORF21790P
21800 integrase
21810 R Mca819ORF21210P (100% identity) Mca819ORF21790P
21820 S S3.Mca819ORF21210P (100% identity) S2.Mca819ORF21790P
21830 S S1.Mca819ORF21210P (57% identity) S3.Mca819ORF21790P
21840 EcoKI restriction-modification system protein
21830 Type I restriction modification DNA specificity
21840 S S.Mca819ORF21270P (100% identity) S.Mca819ORF21850P
21850 M M.Mca819ORF21270P (100% identity) M.Mca819ORF21850P
21860 Integrase core domain protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
2960 144 aa hypothetical protein
2970 M M.MspJEK37ORF1300P (98% identity) M.Mca819ORF2970P
2980 R MspJEK46ORF1300P (100% identity) Mca819ORF2970P
2990 377 aa hypothetical protein
18450 HNH endonuclease
18460 V V.Msp8659ORF7780P (97% identity) V.Mca819ORF18470P
18470 M M.Mca5402ORF1477P (100% identity) M.Mca819ORF18470P
18480 29 aa hypothetical protein
18490 R Mca5402ORF1477P (94% identity) Mca819ORF18470P
18500 856 aa hypothetical protein
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