Ref: Timme,R. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 22799

Contig set: 5,043,047 bp

GenBank #: LVGM00000000 (NZ_LVGM00000000)

REBASE acronym: Sen33866

Org_num: 21342


All begin AIZ11_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
23990 S restriction endonuclease subunit S, partial S.Sen33866ORF23995P
23995 M M.StyLTIII (100% identity) M.Sen33866ORF23995P
24000 R StyLT2IIP (99% identity) Sen33866ORF23995P
23500 540 aa hypothetical protein
23505 S S.SspZ54ORF5015P (100% identity) TGANNNNNNCTTC S.Sen33866ORF23510P
23510 M M.SspZ54ORF5015P (100% identity) TGANNNNNNCTTC M.Sen33866ORF23510P
23515 R Sen33852ORF15545P (100% identity) TGANNNNNNCTTC Sen33866ORF23510P
23520 transposase
10075 110 aa hypothetical protein
10080 S restriction endonuclease subunit S, partial CRTAYNNNNNNCTC S.Sen33866ORF10080P
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
21605 73 aa hypothetical protein
21610 M M.StyUK1ORFAP (100% identity) M.Sen33866ORF21610P
21615 62 aa hypothetical protein
21810 79 aa hypothetical protein
21815 M M.SspsA7ORF8410P (100% identity) GATC M.Sen33866ORF21815P
21820 exonuclease
21450 multidrug DMT transporter
21455 V V.StyUK1DcmP (100% identity) V.Sen33866DcmP
21460 M M.StyUK1Dcm (100% identity) CCWGG M.Sen33866DcmP
21465 hydrolase
20885 Fis family transcriptional regulator
20890 M M.StyUK1III (100% identity) ATGCAT M.Sen33866ORF20890P
20895 54 aa hypothetical protein
7525 207 aa hypothetical protein
7530 M M.Sen33859ORF15885P (100% identity) GATC M.Sen33866ORF7530P
7535 59 aa hypothetical protein
9915 363 aa hypothetical protein
9920 RM M.StyUK1IV (100% identity) GATCAG Sen33866ORF9920P
9925 DNA repair protein
7095 157 aa hypothetical protein
??? M M.Ssp17155ORFIP (100% identity) GATC M.Sen33866ORF7100P
7105 crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease
1645 cell division protein DamX
1650 M M.StyTDamP (100% identity) GATC M.Sen33866DamP
1655 ribulose phosphate epimerase
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
14110 33 aa hypothetical protein
14115 R StyUK1IP (99% identity) CAGAG Sen33866ORF14120P
14120 M M.StyUK1I (100% identity) CAGAG M.Sen33866ORF14120P
14125 pseudogene
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