Ref: Adams,M. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 22605

Complete sequence: 4,661,849 bp

GenBank #: CP017183

REBASE acronym: Exi27195

Org_num: 20481


All begin BFV63_

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
2585 integrase
2590 RM RbaC173ORF10490P (94% identity) GCCGAC Exi27195I
2595 ATP-dependent helicase
5425 72 aa hypothetical protein
5430 M M.EhoEhh18ORF5480P (100% identity) GATC M.Exi27195ORF5430P
5435 cruciferin
13910 drug/metabolite exporter YedA
13915 V V.ExiPC4LDcmP (100% identity) V.Exi27195DcmP
13920 M M.EspJJBCDcmP (98% identity) CCWGG M.Exi27195DcmP
13925 phosphohydrolase
20380 ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
20385 M M.EhoLDDamP (100% identity) GATC M.Exi27195DamP
20390 cell division protein DamX
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
2770 sodium:galactoside symporter
2775 R ExiPC4LMcrCP (100% identity) Exi27195McrCP
2780 R ExiPC4LMcrBP (100% identity) Exi27195McrBP
2785 arylesterase
Orphan M
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
8670 164 aa hypothetical protein
8675 M M.EhoZ812ORF7720P (97% identity) GATC M.Exi27195ORF8675P
8680 75 aa hypothetical protein
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