Ref: Kim,K. unpublished

REBASE ref # 22631

Complete sequence: 3,293,944 bp

GenBank #: CP015125

REBASE acronym: DdoDSW1

Org_num: 19781


All begin I597_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
1954 572 aa hypothetical protein
1958 M M.Pma6ORF12520P (92% identity) M.DdoDSW1ORF1958P
1959 S S.Jma19592ORFFP (45% identity) S.DdoDSW1ORF1958P
1960 153 aa hypothetical protein
1961 44 aa hypothetical protein
1962 391 aa hypothetical protein
1963 211 aa hypothetical protein
1964 418 aa hypothetical protein
1965 R Tsp136ORF8715P (86% identity) DdoDSW1ORF1958P
1966 353 aa hypothetical protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
657 308 aa hypothetical protein
658 R Dsp134ORF9466P (94% identity) DdoDSW1ORF659P
659 M M.Dsp134ORF9466P (96% identity) CATG M.DdoDSW1ORF659P
660 203 aa hypothetical protein
1295 arginine deiminase
1296 M M1.Pat9100ORF2305P (60% identity) CATG M.DdoDSW1ORF1296P
1297 R CcyG7591ORF4625P (70% identity) CATG DdoDSW1ORF1296P
1298 Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 2
1828 119 aa hypothetical protein
1829 M M1.Bca819ORF420P (53% identity) M1.DdoDSW1ORF1829P
1830 M M2.Mar4ORF693P (62% identity) M2.DdoDSW1ORF1829P
1831 RM PpaD9ORF8040P (69% identity) DdoDSW1ORF1829P
1832 460 aa hypothetical protein
2847 71 aa hypothetical protein
2848 M M.Dsp134ORF1595P (98% identity) CCGG M.DdoDSW1ORF2848P
2849 R LblMEDORF1405P (78% identity) CCGG DdoDSW1ORF2848P
2850 370 aa hypothetical protein
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