Ref: Lee,J. unpublished

REBASE ref # 22366

Complete sequence: 6,441,449 bp

GenBank #: CP015600

REBASE acronym: Pan27494

Org_num: 19804


All begin A7J50_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
5027 Phage integrase family protein
5028 R PspP8241ORF4125P (96% identity) Pan27494ORF5031P
5029 69 aa hypothetical protein
5030 S S.PspP8241ORF4125P (51% identity) S.Pan27494ORF5031P
5031 M M.PviStP3ORF5045P (96% identity) M.Pan27494ORF5031P
5032 466 aa hypothetical protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
1218 Lysozyme
1219 M M.PsiAORF20150P (96% identity) M.Pan27494ORF1219P
1220 364 aa hypothetical protein
1753 Portal protein
1754 M M.PspGXZCORF25370P (97% identity) M.Pan27494ORF1754P
1755 125 aa hypothetical protein
4414 200 aa hypothetical protein
4415 M M.PspGXZCORF25595P (97% identity) M.Pan27494ORF4415P
4416 83 aa hypothetical protein
4416 83 aa hypothetical protein
4417 M M.PflML11AORF320P (95% identity) TGGCCA M.Pan27494ORF4417P
4418 69 aa hypothetical protein
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
4533 phage antirepressor protein
4534 R PflAnt01ORF21885P (95% identity) Pan27494ORF4534P
4535 HAD family hydrolase
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