Ref: Hazen,T.H. et al. J. Bacteriol. 194 (11), 3026-3027 (2012)

REBASE ref # 14514

GenBank #: AIFL00000000

REBASE acronym: EcoDEC4B

Org_num: 9035


All begin ECDEC4B_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
5692 113 aa hypothetical protein
5693 S S.EcoDEC4FORF5297P (100% identity) S.EcoDEC4BORF5694P
5694 M M.EcosPA8ORF17615P (100% identity) M.EcoDEC4BORF5694P
??? R Ecos1613ORF27060P (100% identity) EcoDEC4BORF5694P
5697 94 aa hypothetical protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
1087 protein ninB
1088 M M.SflN97ORF15810P (100% identity) GATC M.EcoDEC4BORF1088P
1089 phage antirepressor
1653 94 aa hypothetical protein
1654 M M.EcosPA8ORF27255P (100% identity) M.EcoDEC4BORF1654P
1657 52 aa hypothetical protein
2132 48 aa hypothetical protein
2134 M M.EcoTWORF1742P (99% identity) M.EcoDEC4BORF2134P
2135 65 aa hypothetical protein
2606 carboxylate/Amino Acid/Amine Transporter family
2607 V V.EcosPA8DcmP (100% identity) V.EcoDEC4BDcmP
2608 M M.SflLIN6DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.EcoDEC4BDcmP
2609 HD domain protein
2982 M phage N-6-adenine-methyltransferase GATC M.EcoDEC4BORF2982P
2983 39 aa hypothetical protein
3323 55 aa hypothetical protein
3324 M M.EspP079ORF2847P (100% identity) GATC M.EcoDEC4BORF3324P
3325 70 aa hypothetical protein
4280 fis transcriptional dual regulator
4281 M M.EcosPA8ORF11510P (100% identity) ATGCAT M.EcoDEC4BORF4281P
4282 37 aa hypothetical protein
4391 ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase
4392 M M.UbaC1152DamP (100% identity) GATC M.EcoDEC4BDamP
4393 cell division protein DamX
4927 41 aa hypothetical protein
4928 M M.EcosPA8ORF27775P (100% identity) M.EcoDEC4BORF4928P
4929 73 aa hypothetical protein
5641 helicase conserved C-terminal domain protein
5642 RM EcosPA8ORF17390P (100% identity) GAAABCC EcoDEC4BORF5642P
5363 65 aa hypothetical protein
??? M M.Ecos1613ORF25555P (100% identity) M.EcoDEC4BORFBAP
5366 109 aa hypothetical protein
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